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We know you care about the environment. So do we. But let's get real - the events industry typically creates a lot of wastage and generate tons of carbon. So, what can we do to be part of the solution?
As Asia’s most sustainable MICE venue powered by renewable energy, we have reimagined what it means to host truly green events.
For us, it’s not just a case of minimising single-use plastics, turning down the air-conditioning or buying carbon credits, but real structural changes that make a difference.
We’ve developed a framework to ensure that our venue is always run as sustainably as possible. From our expansive array of solar panels and smart buildings to our zero-waste solutions and responsible food practices, our initiatives are aligned with Singapore’s Green Plan 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to set the gold standard for sustainability within the industry. We are also a proud participant of the United Nations Global Compact.
By choosing our venue, you're not just selecting a space – you're making a statement about your commitment to environmental stewardship and positively impacting communities.
Together, we can redefine the future, where every event contributes to a cleaner, greener planet.
Get a glimpse of how we are consciously reducing our carbon footprint by investing in real structural changes and taking small consistent steps in our daily operations.
Our robust recycling programme emphasises reusing, reducing and recycling waste at every opportunity.
Our powerful food digester processes 365 tonnes of food waste a year, converting it into greywater safe for public sewage. We can collect, weigh and transfer your event’s waste to our food digester and provide you with a post-event waste report.
We also offer water dispensers in common areas to encourage reusable bottles and adopt digital screens instead of physical advertising and marketing materials to reduce waste.
From our onsite waste separation and sorting centre to clear labels on recycling bins, we make zero-waste easy for everyone.
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